¡Fuerza y equilibrio! Portainjertos que se caracteriza principalmente por:  
  • Especialmente recomendado para cherries, especialidades en general y variedades donde exista un especial interés en mantener la mejor combinación posible entre calidad-sabor-balance de la variedad.
  • Vigor medio alto.
  • Mantiene excelente balance planta / calidad organoléptica de frutos.
  • Ramifica raíces de forma precoz y con abundancia de pelos absorbentes.
  • Permite alargar los ciclos.
  Resistencias: HR: Vd, Fol (1,2), ToMV, For, Pl. IR: Mi, Mj, Ma.

Legal terms

* Resistant varieties may exhibit some disease symptoms or damage under heavy pest pressure and/or under adverse environmental conditions and/or in the face of new biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains of the pest that may emerge.
For tomatoes: Soil temperature above 27°C and other stresses may cause nematode resistance to break.

**please refer to the ISF definitions at http://www.worldseed.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Definition_on_reaction_plants_to_pests_2017_final.pdf
A copy of the definitions for terms describing reactions of plants to pests for the Vegetable Seed Industry, can be obtained at our offices upon demand.


¡Fuerza y equilibrio! Portainjertos que se caracteriza principalmente por:  
  • Especialmente recomendado para cherries, especialidades en general y variedades donde exista un especial interés en mantener la mejor combinación posible entre calidad-sabor-balance de la variedad.
  • Vigor medio alto.
  • Mantiene excelente balance planta / calidad organoléptica de frutos.
  • Ramifica raíces de forma precoz y con abundancia de pelos absorbentes.
  • Permite alargar los ciclos.
  Resistencias: HR: Vd, Fol (1,2), ToMV, For, Pl. IR: Mi, Mj, Ma.

Legal terms

* Resistant varieties may exhibit some disease symptoms or damage under heavy pest pressure and/or under adverse environmental conditions and/or in the face of new biotypes, pathotypes, races or strains of the pest that may emerge.
For tomatoes: Soil temperature above 27°C and other stresses may cause nematode resistance to break.

**please refer to the ISF definitions at http://www.worldseed.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Definition_on_reaction_plants_to_pests_2017_final.pdf
A copy of the definitions for terms describing reactions of plants to pests for the Vegetable Seed Industry, can be obtained at our offices upon demand.